Binomial Logistic Regression to Analyze the Factors that Influence People’s Willingness to Cycle in the City of Banjarbaru, Indonesia

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Puguh Budi Prakoso, Iphan Fitrian Radam |
How to Cite?
Puguh Budi Prakoso, Iphan Fitrian Radam, "Binomial Logistic Regression to Analyze the Factors that Influence People’s Willingness to Cycle in the City of Banjarbaru, Indonesia," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 25-31, 2022. Crossref,
The increase of public interest in cycling in Banjarbaru is a good moment to promote non-motorized transport. However, cycling is frequently done as a hobby. Meanwhile, people's enthusiasm for cycling for daily transportation is very lacking. The study was conducted to analyze the influence factors of the people’s desire to cycle. Binomial logistic regression is used in analysis based on 154 questionnaires. Eighteen variables influenced cycling decisions from data processing results using SPSS. The most significant factors are human factors: cycle during the day time, travel time saving and bicycle path connection from residence to public places; facilities factors: availability of bicycle signs, bicycle lanes and CCTVs; environment factors: the traffic density and the existence of trees/green areas; safety and comfort factor: safer condition from crime; accessibility factors: the convenience of bringing a bicycle to public transport and short bike routes to public places; and distance factor: the distance between 2 and 2.5 km is favourable for cycling. It is figured out that the probability of people's willingness to cycle is currently only around 21%. However, when all the most important factors are fulfilled, the probability of people cycling can be raised to 70%.
Cycling, Influence factor of cycling, Willingness, Binomial logistic regression.
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