Determination of Seismic Response Modification Factor for RC Wall-Frames Structural Systems

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Ismail Kotb |
How to Cite?
Ismail Kotb, "Determination of Seismic Response Modification Factor for RC Wall-Frames Structural Systems," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1-13, 2022. Crossref,
In this research, the response modification factor for various reinforced concrete wall-frames systems is calculated using the pushover analysis, which considers seismic loads exceeding their limitation. Different moment-resistant frames with rectangular shear walls, L-shape shear walls, one core, a combination of rectangular shear walls and one core, and L-shape shear walls and one core are among the load-resisting configurations explored. Three, five, seven, nine, eleven, and thirteen stories are investigated. The vertical and lateral loads are examined for all systems under consideration. The Egyptian Code for Calculation of Loads and Forces for Buildings ECP-201 (2012) and the Egyptian code for designing and constructing reinforced concrete buildings ECP-203 (2007) are used to develop these systems. The SAP2000 Version 14.2 software package is used for modelling and analysis. ECP-203 considers concrete and reinforcing steel (2007). The columns and beams are represented using frame elements, with plastic hinges at their ends according to FEMA 450 requirements; the shear walls are modelled with multi-layer shell elements. The R-factor is calculated by plotting the force-displacement relationships (pushover curves), with the study's main goal to determine the R-factor and its components.
Response modification factor, Nonlinear analysis, Wall-frames system, Plastic hinge formation, Multi-layer shell element.
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