Strategical Implementation of the Light Weight Silica Fume Concrete

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2015 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 2 Issue 5
Year of Publication : 2015
Authors : S.V.V.Prasad
How to Cite?

S.V.V.Prasad, "Strategical Implementation of the Light Weight Silica Fume Concrete," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 2,  no. 5, pp. 36-39, 2015. Crossref,


This paper shows a trial examination on the impact of silica smoke (SF) on different quality properties of halfway utilized reused coarse total (RCA) concrete. It was watched from the preparatory examination that the quality properties of halfway utilized reused coarse total solid declines with expansion in the reused coarse total substance. An endeavor has been made to discover the impact of silica smoke on different quality properties of mostly utilized reused coarse total cement. In the present examination, reused coarse total was utilized as 25% what's more, 50% substitution of regular coarse total notwithstanding silica smolder part of the way replaces 5%, 8% what's more, 12% of bond by weight. To assess the mostly utilized reused coarse total cement containing silica smolder for auxiliary applications,various quality properties of cement were gotten. Compressive quality, part rigidity and modulus of break test aftereffects of M20 and M25 evaluations of cement arranged utilizing reused coarse total and silica smoke are introduced and at that point the outcomes are contrasted And the characteristic coarse total cement. Utilizing the test outcomes, it can be reasoned that a blend of 25% reuse coarse total and 8% silica smoke can be suggested for the readiness of auxiliary cement, in view of its enhanced quality attributes contrasted with the regular coarse total cement. It can be presumed that the quality properties of mostly utilized reused coarse total solid can be enhanced by the expansion of silica smoke. The increment in the quality of mostly utilized RCA solid containing silica smoke can be ascribed to the accessibility of extra fastener in the vicinity of silica smoke. The accessibility of extra fastener upgrades the glue total bond comes about the RCA concrete with silica smoke has enhanced quality properties. By conforming the extents of reused coarse total and silica rage in the solid blend better quality properties can be accomplished. Subsequently, reused coarse total and silica smoke offers aneconomically reasonable answer for believer the waste materials to important assets.


Recycled Coarse Aggregate, Silica Fume, Partial Replacement, Structural Concrete, Modulus of Rupture


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