Health Risk Index Development for Municipal Solid Waste using TOPSIS model

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Divyanjali Singh, Pradeep Kumar |
How to Cite?
Divyanjali Singh, Pradeep Kumar, "Health Risk Index Development for Municipal Solid Waste using TOPSIS model," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 23-32, 2022. Crossref,
Most human accomplishments create waste and are picked up, stored, collected, and disposed of, which can stance risks to the environment and public health. Economic improvement, urbanization and amended living standards in cities increase the quality of intricacy of generated solid waste. Generally and customarily discussing solid waste,specific categories of waste are well recognized as they are very common. The results data are analyzed using the TOPSIS (Technique of Order Preference by Similarities to ideal solution) model with the help of MATLAB 2019a version. All the six steps of the TOPSIS model in the MATLAB are commanded and run the method to generate the Health Risk Index (HRI) value for each location for the area of Rasoolabad, Mehdauri Colony, Govindpur, Salori, and Phaphamau, respectively. After the HRI value for each location of Rasoolabad, Mehdauri Colony, Govindpur, Salori, and Phaphamau, respectively, are found, the HRI value with the rank is located to map with the geographical location using ArcGIS. The consequences of health hazards are evaluated using various models, and an Index is generated for minimizing the further ill effects of such wastes.
TOPSIS model, MSW, HRI, Aggregation Model.
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