Study on the Tensile Strength of Glass Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Bacterial Concrete using a Novel Microbial Technique- Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : G. Pradeep, B. Ramesh, Ragi Krishnan |
How to Cite?
G. Pradeep, B. Ramesh, Ragi Krishnan, "Study on the Tensile Strength of Glass Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Bacterial Concrete using a Novel Microbial Technique- Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 58-64, 2023. Crossref,
The study aimed to analyze the effects of fibre-reinforced self-healing concrete on the tensile strength of concrete and its comparative study with traditional concrete by using a microbiological approach called Calcite precipitation caused by microorganisms. Here we have considered 2 groups for the study, and 18 samples were prepared per group with 80 percent of Glass Powder. Group-1 refers to traditional concrete without any addition in concrete, and group-2 refers to special concrete included with Glass power. The complete data analysis of samples was done by using analytical simulation software. The independent sample T-test has been used for the particular study. It has been carried out by using statical analysis software SPSS version 21. Finally, the comparison of the output has been done. M20-grade concrete has been considered for the study. There was around a 38.78% increment in tensile strength compared to traditional concrete. The corresponding standard deviation was shown as 0.49932, and A drastic difference between the two groups was observed with a p-value of 0.012 (p<0.05). The study came to the conclusion that adding fibres to self-healing concrete can increase its tensile strength compared to the concrete of the standard M20 grade.
Tensile strength, Glass fibre, Self-compacting bacterial concrete, M20 grade concrete, Superplasticizer (Tec mix 550) Mineral Precipitation, Novel MICP technique.
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