Modeling the Effect of Hole Diameter on Axial Capacity Columns Using ANSYS Software

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Lara Fiana, Ngudiyono, Ni Nyoman Kencanawati, Suryawan Murtiadi |
How to Cite?
Lara Fiana, Ngudiyono, Ni Nyoman Kencanawati, Suryawan Murtiadi, "Modeling the Effect of Hole Diameter on Axial Capacity Columns Using ANSYS Software," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1-7, 2024. Crossref,
The aesthetic demands from the architectural perspective in a building are often used as the main reason for installing drainage pipes or mechanical and electrical installations inside columns. Installing pipes on columns can cause a reduction in the cross-section area of the columns. SNI 2847-2013 code in article 6.3.4, the placement of channels or pipes inside columns is explained to be allowed, provided it does not exceed 4% of the cross-section area of the column. However, in practice in the field, the cross-section area of the installed pipes exceeds the limit set in the existing regulations. The purpose of the research is to determine the effect of hole diameter in columns on axial capacity. In this study, modeling of a column without and with variations of holes has been conducted using ANSYS Software. For perforated columns, there are 3 hole sizes: 1.5”, 2”, and 3” in diameter. The column cross-section size is 250 mm x 250 mm with a longitudinal reinforcement area of 1.3% and a length of 4 m. The analysis results show that the larger the diameter of the holes in the column cross-section, the lower the axial capacity. The reduction in axial capacity for perforated columns of 1.5”, 2”, and 3” is 2.27%, 3.42%, and 7.73%, respectively, compared to columns without holes.
Column, Holes diameter, Axial capacity, ANSYS Software.
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