Energy Efficient Lighting Design for Green Building Data Center at ISRO Complex Hyderabad
International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : K. Srinivasa Rao, R. Heera Singh, K. Vaisakh |
How to Cite?
K. Srinivasa Rao, R. Heera Singh, K. Vaisakh, "Energy Efficient Lighting Design for Green Building Data Center at ISRO Complex Hyderabad," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 189-198, 2024. Crossref,
The building infrastructure has been developing in a fast and rapid mode throughout the globe. Each and every developed and developing country is building huge infrastructure for industries, software offices, roads, buildings, and other infrastructure facilities. Developing this huge infrastructure consumes a lot of natural resources, water, and energy. Consuming these natural resources more will lead to the depletion of these resources, which is a great danger for future generations. Creating sustainable buildings will save these natural resources and the environment. Hence, developing Green buildings is the need of the hour in the construction industry today [1]. In developing green buildings, energy efficiency is the key factor for sustainable infrastructure. Energy is consumed for lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning applications in the buildings. The requirement of the energy in a building can be optimized by using several techniques. This study and research focus on optimimising the requirement of energy needed for lighting in data center buildings [2]. In a building, around 25- 30 % of the energy is utilized for lighting applications. This paper focuses on designing the buildings for less artificial lighting and optimizing the lighting load requirement in accordance with the green building norms. The applicable energy-efficient lighting design practices in green buildings are explored in detail. The methodology for designing the optimized energy-efficient lighting has been studied and implemented in the project. The paper eludes a practical case study of the NRSC green building infrastructure developed at the Shadnagar campus in Hyderabad. The designing of the lighting system with the help of e-Quest software has been explained to find out the most energy efficient model for the buildings. Thus, this research explains the methodology the strategies required for achieving energy-efficient lighting in green buildings.
Lighting, Energy efficiency, e-Quest, Sustainable building, LEED design.
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