Mitigation of Urban Air Pollution Through Aeroponic Planting Methods: A Sustainable Approach

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Mohammed Waseem Akram, Swetha Madhusudhanan, I. Chandramathy, S. Nallusamy |
How to Cite?
Mohammed Waseem Akram, Swetha Madhusudhanan, I. Chandramathy, S. Nallusamy, "Mitigation of Urban Air Pollution Through Aeroponic Planting Methods: A Sustainable Approach," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 24-38, 2024. Crossref,
Air pollution is a major problem in urban areas that has a detrimental effect on people’s health and wellbeing. This pilot study examined the consequences of air pollution in Chennai’s Royapettah neighbourhood. The World Health Organization (WHO) issues the critical alert known as the “AQI” (Index of Air Quality), indicating that the air quality in the Royapettah zone of central Chennai is between 150 and 170 AQI, with a permitted limit of 50 AQI. The study suggests using an algae tank and the aeroponic planting technique as a sustainable way to reduce air pollution and improve the health of city dwellers. In addition to reviewing relevant literature and case studies, this study looks into the viability of using an algal tank and aeroponics planting to reduce air pollution and enhance both indoor and outdoor air quality. To measure the amount of air pollution, a balcony with an algae tank and aeroponics system planted for one month was compared to one without plants for one month (April 2024) using Arduino smart sensors that sense components like gas, humidity, temperature, oxygen, particle matter, and dust. According to the results, the aeroponic tower planting method was found to be an efficient way to reduce air contaminants such as carbon dioxide, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and particulates on balconies with green features like algae tanks and aeroponics systems. Environmental pollutants have significantly decreased as a result of algae tanks’ ability to absorb pollutants such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Evidently, aeroponic plants and algae are best absorbed in their natural surroundings free of contaminants, and they also enhance the quality of the indoor environment and promote vital health. All things considered, the results emphasize the relevance of aeroponic gardening techniques as an organic means of reducing air pollution and fostering healthier urban settings.
Indoor air quality, Algae, Native species, Aeroponics method, Air pollution and Health effects, Air quality monitoring and management.
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