Enhancing the Seismic Resistance through Strengthening the Structure with RC Jacket Layer, High Strength Mortar and Adding New RC Walls. Case Study National Gallery of Arts Building in Tirana

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Idlir Dervishi, Elis Habibi, Arlind Hasalami |
How to Cite?
Idlir Dervishi, Elis Habibi, Arlind Hasalami, "Enhancing the Seismic Resistance through Strengthening the Structure with RC Jacket Layer, High Strength Mortar and Adding New RC Walls. Case Study National Gallery of Arts Building in Tirana," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 67-82, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V11I8P106
The National Gallery of Arts in Tirana remained undamaged during the powerful earthquakes of 2019. Nevertheless, the building has undergone a strengthening process to bolster its seismic resistance. This enhancement primarily involved the application of concrete jacketing to the existing foundations and columns, further supported by the addition of vertical and horizontal reinforcement rebars. To further increase the dissipative capacity of the structure, five new reinforced concrete walls are being constructed at various points within the structure. The slabs and beams, already reinforced and dimensioned optimally, will be covered with high-strength structural mortar. This approach effectively negates the necessity for additional concrete jacket layers and further reinforcement. Adhering to Eurocode’s standards, the strengthening technique has been meticulously applied. To demonstrate the efficacy of these enhancements, we have conducted a comparative analysis between the unstrengthened and strengthened structures using finite element software for structural analysis. The results revealed that strengthening the structure with a reinforced concrete jacket significantly enhanced its seismic performance. Specifically compared to the un-strengthened structure, the vibration period of the strengthened structure decreased by over 50%, while the storey drifts diminished significantly, showing a reduction of up to 80% in the Y direction and up to 78% in the X direction. Strengthening methods serve a dual purpose: they not only enhance the structural integrity of existing buildings but also resonate with worldwide objectives for sustainable development. This approach symbolizes a seamless integration of preserving the architectural heritage while fostering a future that is both safer and more efficient in terms of resource utilization. Modeling existing reinforced concrete structures with FEM software requires a lot of assumptions and simplifications that may not represent the realistic behavior of the structure. To surmount this challenge, it’s imperative to employ sophisticated modeling techniques capable of accounting for the nonlinearities and complexities inherent in the structure. These advanced methods provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of structural behavior.
Structural Strengthening, Seismic Resistance, Reinforced Concrete Jacket Layer.
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