Sustainable Ground Water Treatment Plants Sludge Recycling System Development via SWOT

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Lev Maksimov, Svetlana Maksimova, Marina Slobozhanina
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Lev Maksimov, Svetlana Maksimova, Marina Slobozhanina, "Sustainable Ground Water Treatment Plants Sludge Recycling System Development via SWOT," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 12, pp. 1-11, 2024. Crossref,


The results of studies of iron-containing sludge (hereinafter referred to as ICS) from wash waters of groundwater iron removal stations prove the perspectives of its application in a wide range of industries. The shortcomings of existing systems for recycling ICS and prospects for their modernization considering current global trends and the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation have been identified. The system for recycling ICS into final marketable products is proposed using the example of consumables for nondestructive testing. In the proposed system of recycling ICS, functional subjects are identified as responsible for various stages of the transformation of secondary resources into secondary raw materials and/or final products. The section of the system that has the least level of theoretical and practical elaboration was identified and accepted as an object for SWOT analysis. At least 5 key factors were identified for each element of the SWOT analysis, and a SWOT analysis matrix was created containing 15 proposed implementation measures to intensify ICS's introduction into economic circulation. Gaps in knowledge and regulatory framework in the field of application of “secondary resources” were identified. Research priorities and future challenges are discussed to support developing and applying effective management methods for iron-containing sludge from iron removal stations using multi-pronged strategies. The prospects of the influence of weaknesses and threats leveling have been predicted, as well as the influence of strengths and opportunities increasing for widespread implementation of recycling practices in water utility acceleration.


Alternative raw materials, Circular economy, Iron-Containing Sludge, Sustainable Development, SWOT analysis.


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