Influences of Technological Innovations on the Construction Methodology for Sustainable Low-Rise Buildings in the Philippines

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : M. B. Javier, C. E. F. Monjardin
How to Cite?

M. B. Javier, C. E. F. Monjardin, "Influences of Technological Innovations on the Construction Methodology for Sustainable Low-Rise Buildings in the Philippines," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 12, pp. 12-29, 2024. Crossref,


The construction of ecologically friendly structures has increased dramatically during the last forty years. The advantages of green buildings are becoming more widely understood. Rising energy and construction material costs and legislative incentives are also driving the expansion of the sustainable building sector. One barrier to sustainable building is the capability to accomplish a sustainable project within realistic cost limitations and timetables while considering health-safety impact and environmental risk. Traditional building construction must adapt for project managers to provide sustainable construction that meets their client’s expectations in terms of cost, schedule, health and safety requirements, and environmental acceptance. This can be accomplished by implementing Smart and Innovative construction techniques to provide a more comfortable built environment while minimizing a site’s carbon impact. Sustainable buildings with technology and lifestyle practices can increase water and energy efficiency. This study focused on Technological Innovations in the Construction Methodology for the Sustainability of Low-Rise Buildings in the Philippines. Furthermore, the goal was to provide an idea to the owners and professionals regarding the impact of technological innovations that they can follow to make decisions in the construction of green buildings, as well as to provide a value-focused tool to improve system performance that can be applied to other projects.


Green building, Sustainability of Low-rise Buildings, Construction of environmentally friendly buildings, Smart and Innovative construction, Low carbon footprint.


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