Contribution of the Valorization of Needle Grass Residues Powder as a Coarse Aggregate in the Formulation of Ecofriendly Manufactured Precast Concrete

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Mohammed Aqil, Halima Soussi, Maha Bentahar |
How to Cite?
Mohammed Aqil, Halima Soussi, Maha Bentahar, "Contribution of the Valorization of Needle Grass Residues Powder as a Coarse Aggregate in the Formulation of Ecofriendly Manufactured Precast Concrete," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 30-42, 2024. Crossref,
The recovery of natural resources has become a major challenge; in recent years, many economic players have focused on reusing herb residues to formulate a new generation of innovative eco-friendly construction materials. In this study, the incorporation of Needle Grass Residue powder (NGP) derived from crushing herb that originates from the “stipa tenacissima Plant as a partial replacement for coarse aggregates in the precast concrete was explored to assess its economic, environmental, mechanical, and physical impacts. Various NGP replacement levels (0%, 10%, 25%, and 50%) were analyzed. Economic assessments showed a significant reduction in concrete production costs with increasing NGP content, indicating potential cost savings. Environmentally, NGP's addition contributed to substantial reductions in CO2 emissions and improved resource conservation, highlighting its potential for enhancing sustainability. Mechanical properties such as compressive and tensile strengths decreased with higher NGP percentages, suggesting a trade-off between cost and structural performance. Physically, the concrete mixtures with higher NGP content exhibited increased porosity and water absorption, affecting the durability. The results demonstrate that while NGP incorporation offers economic and environmental benefits, it also necessitates careful consideration of its impacts on precast concrete's mechanical and physical properties. This comprehensive analysis underscores the need for a balanced approach to optimize NGP usage in concrete for sustainable and functional construction applications.
Needle Grass Powder, Concrete, Sustainable construction, Agricultural residues, Aggregate replacement.
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