Scenarios Presented in the Development and Implementation of the Dual Education Model in the TecNM according to the Perception of the Teachers-Tutors in Civil Engineering and Architecture 2015-2022

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Noemí Parra-Buelna, Eduardo Arvizu-Sánchez, Gildardo Herrera-Sánchez, Edgardo Suarez-Dominguez, Juan Jesus Pecero-Moreno, José Canto-Esquivel
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Noemí Parra-Buelna, Eduardo Arvizu-Sánchez, Gildardo Herrera-Sánchez, Edgardo Suarez-Dominguez, Juan Jesus Pecero-Moreno, José Canto-Esquivel, "Scenarios Presented in the Development and Implementation of the Dual Education Model in the TecNM according to the Perception of the Teachers-Tutors in Civil Engineering and Architecture 2015-2022," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 12, pp. 81-93, 2024. Crossref,


In 2015, the Tecnológico Nacional de México implemented the Dual Education Model for Bachelor's Degree (MEDTecNM, by its acronym in Spanish). According to data presented in 2022 by the TecNM, the number of participating Technological Institutes has been increasing. However, it is still quite far from being a widespread practice, and it should be taken into account that implementing a model of this type takes time. It is not something immediate, so it is necessary to analyze the perceptions of the key participants, such as students, entrepreneurs, and, in this case, teachers-tutors, on the elements that facilitate or hinder the development of the system. The MED IT Tijuana has been implemented in the Architecture and Civil Engineering careers of the Department of Earth Sciences since 2015. The objective of this article is "To know the main factors that have conditioned the implementation of the Dual Education Model for Undergraduate Level (MEDTecNM) in TecNM Technological Institutes and particularly of the Technological Institute of Tijuana according to the perception of the participating teachers/tutors, in order to identify the presence of facilitating elements, barriers and present strategies for their implementation." To achieve the objective, two strategies have been followed: as a first step, a documentary analysis has been carried out using the information obtained from the application of the SWOT Analysis carried out in 2022 to teachers/tutors of Technological Institutes of the TecNM that have implemented the MED; as a second step, the design, validation and application of a questionnaire in 2023 to a representative sample of the participating teachers/tutors of the MED of the Technological Institute of Tijuana (IT Tijuana) in the careers of Architecture and Civil Engineering, of the Department of Earth Sciences, during the period 2015-2022. The results of the documentary research and field research are presented through the questionnaires made to the teachers/tutors who have been directly involved with the experience. Among the results, positive situations stand out. It was an initial experience in which all participants expressed high satisfaction with MED IT Tijuana. However, results have also been detected that denote a specific resistance when implementing the MED, such as teachers' training deficiencies about the model's lack of recognition of teachers' role as advisors or tutors. There are also not enough places for the number of young people who want to participate.


Dual education model, Implementation, Teachers/Tutors, Higher education, Architecture.


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