Predictions of Groundwater Variations Using Regression Analysis in Delhi

International Journal of Civil Engineering
© 2025 by SSRG - IJCE Journal
Volume 12 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Kusum Choudhary, Ravish Kumar
How to Cite?

Kusum Choudhary, Ravish Kumar, "Predictions of Groundwater Variations Using Regression Analysis in Delhi," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 12,  no. 1, pp. 36-45, 2025. Crossref,


This study aims to predict groundwater variations in the Delhi region that are experiencing severe challenges due to rapid urbanization and over-extraction. Groundwater resources are essential for the water supply of cities’ agriculture and industries, yet they are under significant pressure. By applying regression analysis, we analyzed groundwater level data from 2001 to 2020 to forecast trends up to 2040. The study results indicate a steady decline in groundwater levels, with predictions showing a drop from 13.22 meters in 2021 to 33.33 meters by 2040. This research is significant as it not only provides a quantitative assessment of groundwater depletion but also highlights the urgent need for sustainable management practices. The novelty of the study lies in its amalgamation of historical data, with predictive modeling offering a compressive approach to understanding groundwater dynamics in urban areas. The study findings have wider implications for policymakers and urban planners in developing long-term strategies for water security.


Coefficient of determination (R²), Ground water, Prediction, P-value (Probability value), Regression analysis.


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