Evaluation and Review for an Existing Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in El-Horreya Sweets Factory

International Journal of Civil Engineering |
© 2025 by SSRG - IJCE Journal |
Volume 12 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2025 |
Authors : Sylvia Maher SHAFIK, Mohamed ELHossieny EL-NADI, AlaaEldin Hisham NAGUIB, Amira Mohamed NAGY |
How to Cite?
Sylvia Maher SHAFIK, Mohamed ELHossieny EL-NADI, AlaaEldin Hisham NAGUIB, Amira Mohamed NAGY, "Evaluation and Review for an Existing Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in El-Horreya Sweets Factory," SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 42-50, 2025. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488352/IJCE-V12I2P105
The study aims to evaluate the existing industrial wastewater treatment plant of the El-Horriyah sweets factory. The evaluation covers the plant design, the plant construction status and the plant operation performance. The samples are taken from the influent and effluent of each unit from the plant line. From the study results, the appeared design problems are bad choice for treatment units for such wastewater and also the unit’s arrangement in the treatment line, large tanks sizing as the unequal design flows are determined, which means that some of the units are over-designed affected the quality performance of the plant and effluent quality due to operation outside the standard design limits, big pumps rates as all pumps’ flows are much higher than the plant units design flow also the actual design flow by 10 to 20 times prevents the continuous operation for the plant parts & adding chemicals doses. Also, the chemicals feeding as a powder in one shoot per turn that limited its effect to only 10 minutes after the addition and the diffused air to units without any controlled amount are the operation problems. Some problems appear from construction, especially for the dissolved air flotation unit, bio-filter, pH adjustment, and chemical precipitation units, that affect their efficiencies more than normal for such units. The study changes the chemical feeding to be a continuous solution by dose obtained from jar test at the lab. Also, the control for the pump rates by semi-close delivery valves and operating the plant under skilled supervision raise the effluent quality by 40-50%, but the effluent still does not achieve any limits for disposal or reuse.
Food industry, Sweets industry, Industrial wastewater treatment, Evaluation of existing plant, Design evaluation, Operation evaluation, Performance evaluation.
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