Improving problem-solving Skills of Seven A-18 Section Female Trainees of KCTE in Electrostatics Content of BNSC102 In 2016
International Journal of Chemical Engineering Research |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJCER Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Alemu Motuma Defersha |
How to Cite?
Alemu Motuma Defersha, "Improving problem-solving Skills of Seven A-18 Section Female Trainees of KCTE in Electrostatics Content of BNSC102 In 2016," SSRG International Journal of Chemical Engineering Research, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 7-12, 2017. Crossref,
My concern was Improving Kamise College of teachers’ education A-18 seven female Trainees` electrostatics problem solving skills in 2016. Identifying and seeking the solutions to problems that influence the problem solving skills of these trainees initiated me conduct this study. Of 39 A-18 section`s trainees 14 males and 25 females, seven female’s trainees were selected using purposively sampling methods. Questionnaire, observation and document analysis tools were employed to gather the data. Hence, qualitative data was analysis using quotations followed by summarization. And, quantitative data was analysis using, percentage and portrayed would used to analyze the. From data analysis, unoriginal back ground that these trainees have about physics subject , knowledge gap of problem solving techniques, difficulty in scientific words , power numbers multiplication and division and trigonometry functions were the findings. Hence, the first strategy was Original zing physics the back ground through description and counseling, then qualitative problem before quantitative problem of electrostatics were practiced. Equally; both cooperative problem solving of P.Heller and metacognitive strategy of Oladunni (1998) were implemented simultaneously.Based on the results, the researcher change the technique of the problem solving strategy used before. In such away, given the steps of problem solving techniques and using the methods a self criticism strategy was implemented. Conceptual words translated from Amharic to English, give selected problems from standard reference books to practice and feedback at each step of the activities. In practicing this for a month, six (86%) trainees start solving of quantitative electrostatics problem accordingly and improve their problem solving skills. But, the researcher would plan for one (14%) trainee who was not in position of solving the problem accordingly for the next if I would assign to the trainee class as well as a trainee joined integrated natural science steam science . Psychology educator, laboratory technical, TDS help the researcher in this study. My work was evaluated through carefully observations. This research help researcher in improving trainee`s learning of electrostatics, patience and strength to achieve instructional objective. Additionally; the researcher was initiated to solve other related problems that affect his instruction.
Additionally; the researcher was initiated to solve other related problems that affect his instruction.
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