Phosphoric Acid Activated Coffee Pulp Waste for Cu and Cr Adsorption

International Journal of Chemical Engineering Research
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCER Journal
Volume 11 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Emmy Sahara, Ni Putu Intan Paramita, I Made Oka Adi Parwata, I Made Siaka
How to Cite?

Emmy Sahara, Ni Putu Intan Paramita, I Made Oka Adi Parwata, I Made Siaka, "Phosphoric Acid Activated Coffee Pulp Waste for Cu and Cr Adsorption," SSRG International Journal of Chemical Engineering Research, vol. 11,  no. 2, pp. 1-7, 2024. Crossref,


Adsorption is a method that is used widely to overcome heavy metal pollution. Adsorption can be carried out using some natural materials, one of which is coffee pulp. This study aims to determine the adsorption capacity of phosphoric acidactivated coffee pulp on Cu and Cr adsorption as well as their reaction kinetics. The activated coffee pulp adsorbent was characterized by determining its surface area using the methylene blue method and the surface acidity by the acid-base titration method. The study included the determination of the maximum amount of activator, contact time, isotherm and adsorption kinetics. The results showed that the optimum mass ratio of coffee pulp powder and phosphoric acid for the optimum adsorption of Cu and Cr was 1:3.75. The surface acidity of phosphoric acid-activated coffee pulp adsorbent was 1.2801±0.0061 mmol/g with active sites as much as 7.7086×1020 molecules/g, and the surface area was 36.5363-37.0249 m2 /g. The contact time in the adsorption process for both metals was 60 minutes, with adsorption capacities of Cu and Cr of 2.5054 mg/g and 3.7277 mg/g, respectively. The adsorption process of Cu and Cr metals by phosphoric acid-activated coffee pulp adsorbent followed the Langmuir isotherm pattern and the kinetics reaction of the second order.


Activated adsorbent, Coffee pulp, Cu and Cr adsorption, Phosphoric acid.


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