VANET Routing Protocols for Intelligent Transport System Communication Using Security Retransmission Data with WIMAX

International Journal of Communication and Media Science |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJCMS Journal |
Volume 2 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : R.Bavya and N.Saravanan |
How to Cite?
R.Bavya and N.Saravanan, "VANET Routing Protocols for Intelligent Transport System Communication Using Security Retransmission Data with WIMAX," SSRG International Journal of Communication and Media Science, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 6-9, 2015. Crossref,
Wireless devices are increasing the computing, storage resources and increasing in supporting mobile computing techniques. Particularly, ad hoc networks can potentially connect different wireless devices. The dynamic nature of Vehicular ad hoc networks demands new set of networking strategies to be implemented in order to provide efficient Intelligent Transport System communication. The entire network is mobile and the individual terminals are allowed to move freely. The nodes may be located in or on airplanes, ships, trucks, cars, even on people or very small devices. Routing is a big problem in Vehicular Ad hoc Network; many protocols have been proposed to increase efficiency and security of traditional protocols in VANET. Centralized and distributed scheduling algorithms, use Secure and Efficient data Transmission algorithm have two protocols called SET-IBS (SET Identity Based digital Signature) and SET-IBOOS (SET Identity Based Online/Offline digital Signature). For source to destination calculate this Shortest Path by using this algorithm and another reason is that to save its battery power using centralized and distributed routing. Routing models carry out based on the travelling node should identify the message authenticated on both online and offline, to provide the efficiency and security in the routing models. It based on throughput improvement with the variation of node density such as link failure ratio, packet arrival rate, retransmission threshold. The efficiency in Vehicular Ad hoc Network, to enhance the security provides for misbehaving node detection that integrates security mechanism to prevent unauthorized access for data transmission.
VANET, ITS (Intelligent Transport System), Distributed Algorithm, DSR Protocol, Security
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