Social and Individual Impacts of Social Media and Its Interactions with Traditional Media
International Journal of Communication and Media Science |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJCMS Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : N. Gizem Koçak |
How to Cite?
N. Gizem Koçak, "Social and Individual Impacts of Social Media and Its Interactions with Traditional Media," SSRG International Journal of Communication and Media Science, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-7, 2017. Crossref,
Web 2.0 caused a radical change in users’ role by bringing them into the center of a production process. Unlike traditonal media in which individuals are just a passive consumer of contents, social media enables the users to become a participant and even producer of the contents besides consuming. Having control over the contents and being able to be a part of the production process also provide a cooperation and more interaction between the individuals.Web 2.0’sunique structure that encourages participation, democratizaton and creation in this sense has affected the communication model both in individualistic and social level in various ways. A multi-centered, multisourced, flexible, participatory and interactive structure has become avaliable through social media when compared to the hierarchical and singlecentered structure of traditional media channels. In this paper,we investigate these social and individual impacts of the social media and the interactions between the social media and the traditional media which mainly results from the new type of media consumer brought about by the social media.
Social Media, Traditional Media, Web 2.0, User-Generated Content.
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