Influence of Emotional Appeals in Television Cosmetics Advertisements on Purchase Decisions of Female Students of Higher Institutions in Niger State, Nigerian

International Journal of Communication and Media Science
© 2020 by SSRG - IJCMS Journal
Volume 7 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Ucheanya Florence, Prof. Eserinune McCarty Mojaye, Dr. Mustapha Kayode Lambe, Dr. kamaldin.A. Babatunde
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Ucheanya Florence, Prof. Eserinune McCarty Mojaye, Dr. Mustapha Kayode Lambe, Dr. kamaldin.A. Babatunde, "Influence of Emotional Appeals in Television Cosmetics Advertisements on Purchase Decisions of Female Students of Higher Institutions in Niger State, Nigerian," SSRG International Journal of Communication and Media Science, vol. 7,  no. 3, pp. 15-24, 2020. Crossref,


One strategy that advertisers use to influence purchase decisions is the employment of advertising appeals. Cosmetics companies often use emotional appeals to arouse consumer desire and purchase decisions. However, what is not certain is whether emotional appeals in cosmetics advertisements influence consumers to buy the products. Thus, this study sought to determine whether emotional appeals in cosmetics advertisements influenced students' purchase decisions in higher institutions in Niger State, Nigeria. The Hierarchy of Effect Model was used as a theoretical basis for the study. Mixed-Method, comprising Survey and Focus Group Discussion, was adopted while simple percentage, frequency, and regression analysis were used to analyze it. A sample of 377 respondents was used while the Focus Group Discussion comprised two groups of 14 participants. The findings revealed that apart from students being influenced by emotional appeals, patronage for the products is high. A significant number are also strongly influenced to patronize cosmetics products when their emotions are appealed to by advertisements using celebrities and the perceived quality of the products. Respondents also perceived cosmetics adverts as educative, informative, and entertaining. The study recommended that cosmetics companies take advantage of the leverage offered by emotional appeals especially in TV adverts to enlarge or sustain their market share and improve patronage. It is clear that advert impressions stimulate the students' purchase of cosmetics; by implication, consumers.


Cosmetics, Emotional Appeals, Exposure, Purchase Decisions, Television Advertisements.


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