SSRG - IJCSE - Volume 6 Issue 4 - April 2019
S.No | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
1 |
Study of Cloud Computing Security Methods: Cryptography
IJCSE-V6I4P101 |
2 |
Impact of Software Defined Networking for Wireless Sensor Networks
IJCSE-V6I4P102 |
3 |
Automatic Generation of Subtitle in Videos
IJCSE-V6I4P103 |
4 |
Implementation and Classification of Anomalous Detection with Varying Parameters
IJCSE-V6I4P104 |
5 |
An Overview on Facial Expression Perception Mechanisms
IJCSE-V6I4P105 |
6 |
RSF: Roughset Theory Based Fuzzy Classification in Randomized Dimensionality Feature Selection
IJCSE-V6I4P106 |