An Efficient Multi Authority and Privacy of Data Access Control in the Cloud Storage Systems

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : Reddi Narendra Kumar, Behara Vineela |
How to Cite?
Reddi Narendra Kumar, Behara Vineela, "An Efficient Multi Authority and Privacy of Data Access Control in the Cloud Storage Systems," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 10-13, 2016. Crossref,
Cloud Storage is an important service of cloud computing for storing data into cloud and retrieve data from the cloud computing. So that the data owners will allow to stored data into cloud and users to access data from the cloud. Data access control is an effective way to ensure that provide security of stored data in the cloud. However cloud service separates the roles of the data owner from the data service provider and the data owner does not interact with the users directly for providing data access service, which makes the data access control a challenging issue in cloud storage systems. Because the cloud server cannot be fully trusted by data owners, existing server-based access control methods are no longer applicable to cloud storage systems. To prevent the untrusted servers from accessing sensitive data, traditional methods usually encrypt the data and only users holding valid keys can access the data. These methods require complicated key management schemes and the data owners have to stay online all the time to deliver keys to new users in the system. Moreover, these methods incur high storage overhead on the server, because the server should store multiple encrypted copies of the same data for users with different keys. By overcome those problems we can implement the cipher text policy based key generation schema will be used for generation for of the encryption key. After generating key the data owner will encrypt the data using idea algorithm and stored the data into cloud storage. If any user retrieve the file it will authenticated by using one time password authentication schema. After completion of authentication schema each user will retrieve the file and decrypt it. By performing those functionalities we can improve the efficiency of the project and also provide more privacy of stored data into cloud.
Data Access Control, Authentication, Signature, Cryptography, one time password.
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