To Provide Privacy and Message Authentication Process Based Link Topology Discovery in Software Defined Network

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
© 2018 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal
Volume 5 Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Thota Renuka Kalyani, G.Sivalakshmi

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Thota Renuka Kalyani, G.Sivalakshmi, "To Provide Privacy and Message Authentication Process Based Link Topology Discovery in Software Defined Network," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 5,  no. 3, pp. 19-23, 2018. Crossref,


Topology discovery is an essential service in software defined network and it underpins many higher layer services. When we refer to topology discovery, we actually mean link discovery, since the controller learns about the existence of network nodes during the Open Flow handshake. By implementing software defined network we can find routing and forwarding of transferred message. In the routing process we can find out link between source nodes to neighbour node. If the link in existing it can generate path and goes to next neighbour for finding link. If the link does not exist it will treat an attacker and source node will go to next neighbours. Like this we can find out routing from source node to destination node. After that we can transfer data from source node to destination before we can perform encryption process.. By performing encryption process we can convert plain format data in to cipher and send that cipher format to destination node. Before transferring cipher format data to destination node the source node will generate message authentication code for cipher data. The cipher format data and message authentication send to destination node. The destination node will retrieve cipher format data and message authentication code. The destination node will again generate message authentication code of cipher data and verify that code. If the code is verified it will perform the decryption process and get original plain format data. In this paper we are implementing secure link discovery protocol for finding routing and forward message. By implementing this protocol we can provide more security of transfer message or data and efficient routing of transfer message.


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