Healthcare Analytics for Medical Management

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Vinay Kommera |
How to Cite?
Vinay Kommera, "Healthcare Analytics for Medical Management," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 18-22, 2019. Crossref,
Healthcare organizations need a powerful system that can help them maintain a healthy environment which involves constantly striving to improve patient care by delivering the right kind of treatment. To achieve this Healthcare Analytics is used to manage huge healthcare data systematically, that is collected electronically, the purpose being - improve patient healthcare, reduce cost, and give top priority to save the patient's life by taking necessary action at the right time by connecting with the concerned physician who can assure proper treatment. Healthcare Analytics also referred to as big data analytics - is not only about managing massive and ever-growing data. It's also about extracting insights from patterns found in the healthcare database. Analytics dives deep to explore meaning in the real-time data; make predictions about future which can pave the way to the path of success. Implementing Healthcare Analytics wisely can change the way healthcare sectors operate, meaning it can only lead to advantageous direction - like it can help healthcare providers reduce fraud, waste and abuse which in turn can drive to business growth, improve productivity, improve patient care, cut down medical expenses, transparency in billing, reduce unnecessary medical tests and much more than you can imagine. Most importantly using analytics can improve workflow across healthcare sectors. Healthcare industry to reach great heights needs to enforce Healthcare Analytics to the huge and ever-flowing database to produce the best consequences.
Healthcare Analytics for medical management, improve patient care, big data analytics, insights from patterns, healthcare database, healthcare providers, implementing Healthcare Analytics, healthcare sectors.
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