SURVEY ON IOT Based Baby Monitoring System Using RaspberryPi
International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 11 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Hemant Prakash Shanbhag,Rajat Vivekanand Gajinkar, Vishal Vaman Kamat , Mr. Anal Ballullaya |
How to Cite?
Hemant Prakash Shanbhag,Rajat Vivekanand Gajinkar, Vishal Vaman Kamat , Mr. Anal Ballullaya, "SURVEY ON IOT Based Baby Monitoring System Using RaspberryPi," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 15-17, 2019. Crossref,
This project is focused on an idea to design a Smart Cradle System using IOT which will help the Parents tomonitor their child even if they are far away from home & can detect every activity of the Baby from any distant corner of the world. It is ansmart, innovative& protective Cradle System to nurture an infant in an efficient way. This system considers all the minute details that are required for the care & protection of the Baby in the cradle. The design of smartness & innovation comes with the use of technologies/methodologies which include Internet of Things (IOT) (Modules like Raspberry Pi, Humidity & Temperature sensing), Cry Detecting Mechanism, Live Video Surveillance, Cloud Computing (Data Storage) & User Friendly Web application(for User Controls). In order to detect each & every activity of Baby, different Sensors/Modules are attached to the Cradle:
Humidity & Temperature Sensing Module for detection of Wetness of the bed, A Camera on top of the Cradle for live video footage & Cry Detection
Circuit to analyze Cry Patterns. All the data which is been taken from the sensors/modules will be stored in Cloud (ThingSpeak) & analyzed at regular intervals. A Health Algorithm is applied to these datasets to get information about the body conditions which is helpful as any regular symptoms of a disease can be identified easily.
IoT ,Baby Monitoring,Cry detection, Sound Analysis and Humidity Sensor.
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