Smart Backing Cane For Visually Impaired
International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Priyadarshini.P,Srimathi.K ,.Suba Lakshmi.K, RajaKumari.K |
How to Cite?
Priyadarshini.P,Srimathi.K ,.Suba Lakshmi.K, RajaKumari.K, "Smart Backing Cane For Visually Impaired," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 21-24, 2020. Crossref,
Currently, visually impaired people use a traditional cane as a tool for directing them when they move from one place to another. Although, the traditional cane is the most widespread means that is used today by the visually impaired people, it could not help them to detect dangers from all levels of obstacles. In this context, we propose a new intelligent system for guiding individuals who are visually impaired or partially sighted. The system is used to enable visually impaired people to move with the same ease and confidence as a sighted people. Also the system helps in detecting the potholes. The Arduino integrated system keeps the person informed about the obstacles lying ahead. Such aid gives user more knowledge about the environment and enables them to make decisions much more quickly, thus allowing them to move around more confidently and effectively. The cane may be used in the nearby environment may be in a park, at work, at home, and while a long journey. The designed assisted device helps a visionless person to anticipate the surrounding using the sensor and vibrations. Moreover, it provides the direction information as well as information to avoid obstacles based on ultrasonic sensors. A buzzer and vibrator motor are also added to the system. The whole system is designed to be small, light and is used in conjunction with the white cane.
Backing Cane
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