Label Projection based on Hadamard Codes for Online Hashing

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Nannan Wu, Zhen Wang, Xiaohan Yang, Wenhao Liu, Xinyi Chang, Dongrui Fan |
How to Cite?
Nannan Wu, Zhen Wang, Xiaohan Yang, Wenhao Liu, Xinyi Chang, Dongrui Fan, "Label Projection based on Hadamard Codes for Online Hashing," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2023. Crossref,
When new data streaming arrives, traditional hashing methods should retrain the hashing functions based on all samples. That leads to high training time complexity. In contrast, the online hashing algorithm re-computes the hashing functions just based on the new arrival streaming data and has been widely applied in large-scale image retrieval tasks. However, differences exist in numbers and labels between new arrival and old datasets, which causes the data imbalance problem while establishing their similarity matrix. This paper proposes a novel supervised online hashing method, Label Projection, based on Hadamard Codes for Online Hashing (LHOH), which jointly employs the label projection and similarity preservation mechanism to solve the data imbalance problem. In addition, LHOH considers the Hadamard codes as the label projection target domains to avoid the problem of difficult discrete optimization of the objective function. Then, LHOH employs the label projection matrix as label weight values, which can solve the data imbalance problem while computing the similarity matrix between new arrival and old datasets and preserve the consistency of Hamming and semantic space similarity. To increase the distinguishability among the hash codes, LHOH designs triple supervision learning mechanisms, including assigning Hadamard codes, projecting labels, and embedding labels. To validate the performance of the proposed LHOH method, this paper sets up the approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search comparative experiments on two widely used datasets. The final results show that LHOH outperforms six current state-of-the-art online methods.
Online hashing, Hadamard code, Label projection, Triple supervision, Image retrieval.
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