Developing a Vehicle Plate Recognition System for Degraded Images

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Dania Anouwer, Nada Jasim Habeeb

How to Cite?

Dania Anouwer, Nada Jasim Habeeb, "Developing a Vehicle Plate Recognition System for Degraded Images," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 11,  no. 8, pp. 50-60, 2024. Crossref,


The implementation of a vehicle plate recognition system holds significant importance within the domain of vehicle monitoring, particularly in the context of traffic management applications. However, this system is often subjected to adverse weather conditions, including fog, dust, and rain, as well as varying lighting scenarios, all of which may lead to high levels of noise in the captured images, consequently impeding the accurate identification of vehicle plate numbers. A recent study has introduced a method aimed at enhancing the recognition of vehicle plate numbers by employing the use of three denoising filters to effectively improve image quality, with a focus on identifying the optimal filter. Though these filters have proven successful in noise reduction, they have also been noted to introduce blurring in the resultant images due to the mathematical operations involved, causing a reduction in high-frequency values within the images. To address this challenge, a deblurring Wiener approach has been integrated. As a result of these enhancements, the automatic recognition method proposed in this study has demonstrated a marked improvement in the identification of vehicle plate numbers and letters, outperforming systems designed for the recognition of distorted plates, which may encounter distortion rates of up to 70%.


License plate recognition, De-noising filters, Deblurring filter, Wiener filter, Degraded image.


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