Intelligent Agronomic Advisory Model for the Prediction of Best Crop Yields

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Samuel Awuna Kile, Ogar Temunaya Ofut, Collins Udanor

How to Cite?

Samuel Awuna Kile, Ogar Temunaya Ofut, Collins Udanor, "Intelligent Agronomic Advisory Model for the Prediction of Best Crop Yields," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 11,  no. 8, pp. 61-72, 2024. Crossref,


Agriculture contributes approximately 40% to Nigeria's GDP, primarily driven by smallholder farmers who face challenges in standardization, decision support, and precision. This study developed an intelligent agronomic advisory model to predict optimal crop yields. Objectives included modeling farm planning workflows, presenting an intelligent agronomic model, developing a predictive system, and comparing its performance with existing systems. The study utilized analytical and empirical methodologies, employing colored petri nets and artificial neural networks for planning and prediction. The system was developed using PyCharm, Python, and MariaDB. Metrics for accuracy, speed, cost, soil pH, soil texture, and crop yield were measured. The new system achieved results of 0.25 MMRE, 600 seconds, 121.14% ROI, soil pH of 6.0, soil texture of 12-25mm, and 7.0 tons/ha crop yield, outperforming existing systems. The developed system can significantly aid smallholder farmers in enhancing crop yields, reducing poverty, and ensuring food security.


Advisory, Agronomic, Artificial neural networks, Colored petri nets, Intelligent, Prediction.


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