Unsupervised Learning for Real-Time Data Anomaly Detection: A Comprehensive Approach

International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJCSE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 10
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Pankaj Gupta, Prasanta Tripathy

How to Cite?

Pankaj Gupta, Prasanta Tripathy, "Unsupervised Learning for Real-Time Data Anomaly Detection: A Comprehensive Approach," SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , vol. 11,  no. 10, pp. 1-11, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488387/IJCSE-V11I10P101


Financial services, healthcare, cybersecurity, and industrial IoT use real-time anomaly detection to detect fraud, cyberattacks, damaged machinery, and other significant issues. Traditional supervised learning methods, which use labelled data, often encounter challenges in adapting to new abnormalities. Unsupervised learning is powerful and adaptable, and irregularities can be discovered in real time without pre-labeled samples. The several unsupervised learning approaches used to detect point, contextual, and collective abnormalities are reviewed in this study, along with their applicability for real-time anomaly recognition. K-means and DBSCAN find anomalies as outliers inside clusters, Principal Component Analysis and Autoencoders simplify data to reveal unusual patterns, Isolation Forest and Local Outlier Factors find anomalies based on data density, and One-Class Support Vector Mac finds anomalies based on data density. The study also examines hybrid models that combine strategies to improve detection. The article also discusses real-time anomaly detection challenges, including idea drift and the need for efficient, scalable algorithms that can handle enormous amounts of high-velocity data. Data stream management, scalability, and real-time data processing are stressed. Research on financial fraud, cybersecurity concerns, and industrial IoT applications shows how these strategies function. The article concludes by examining the drawbacks of unsupervised learning methods and suggesting future research. Create adaptable learning models and use reinforcement learning to strengthen them. Real-time anomaly detection raises ethical issues, including privacy and monitoring, and emphasizes the need for responsible deployment.


Clustering methods, Dimensionality reduction, Density-based methods, Real-time anomaly detection, Unsupervised learning.


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