Spatial IT Application: Navigation System for Global Positioning System

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : Dr.G. Anil Kumar |
How to Cite?
Dr.G. Anil Kumar, "Spatial IT Application: Navigation System for Global Positioning System," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 16-19, 2016. Crossref,
Market analysts estimate that location-based services will be a multibillion-dollar industry in the years to come. To obtain location parameters, a Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor is used, which retrieves the longitude, latitude and altitude of the sensors location. The longitude and latitude information can be mapped onto a digital map to display the position of a vehicle or a device, such as a PDA, in which the GPS sensor is embedded. Now a day, because GPS sensors are relatively inexpensive, they are being integrated into even mass-market items such as wristwatches. A case study of development of an embedded navigation system is intended to be implemented. The location information obtained from a GPS receiver is displayed on a digitized map. GPS simulator is also implemented in C as a learning experience. A navigation system consists of a GPS receiver interfaced to an embedded system. The GPS receiver calculates the location information (longitude. latitude and altitude) and sends it over a serial communication link to an embedded system. On the LCD screen of the embedded system, the map of the area we are traveling is shown; and on this map, the place we are will be highlighted. A GPS receiver can be directly interfaced to the embedded system. A GPS simulator in implemented in C language (for Linux platform), that generates the location information and also updates it every one second to simulate movement of a vehicle.
GPS, Navigation System, Spatial IT.
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