Design and Performance of a Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna using Circular slots And Stub for RFID Applications

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Ranjeet Singh and Dr. Simranjeet Singh Tiwana |
How to Cite?
Ranjeet Singh and Dr. Simranjeet Singh Tiwana, "Design and Performance of a Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna using Circular slots And Stub for RFID Applications," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 1-6, 2017. Crossref,
In this paper on a rectangular substarte two patch’s with two slots have been different radius to each other used for radio frequency identification reader applications. The antenna is using a coaxial feed with microstrip stub. The material of patch is copper which is having good conductivity, low cost and stability. The proposed designed antenna have lower substrate of ployflon NORCLAD material which is made from the thermoplastic PPO (Polyphenylene Oxide), have an ideal dielectric constant of 2.55, very uniform. The material of upper substrate is Rogers Duroid. The dielectric constant of Rogers Duroid 5870 is 2.33 and moisture absorption of 0.02. The antenna is designed using HFSS software. When we compared the results it is found that the proposed antenna has better results than the existing one. The overall dimension of the antenna are 118×118×9.801mm3. Its gain is 7.94 dB over the 10 dB axial ratio and having -39dB Return Loss at 833 MHz to 1033 MHz.
Circular polarization, microstrip patch, radio frequency identification (RFID), slotted patch.
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