Battery less Phones - a deep Assessment on device for long range scavenging of wireless power
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Sparsh Rawlani, Purvesh Biyani and Apoorv Joshi |
How to Cite?
Sparsh Rawlani, Purvesh Biyani and Apoorv Joshi, "Battery less Phones - a deep Assessment on device for long range scavenging of wireless power," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 1-8, 2017. Crossref,
If we just date back to January 9, 2007, it's the date when the world first witnessed a smart phone, and in fact, the first 'Touch screen phone'. Mr. Jobs, the owner of Apple Inclusive launched the "I-phone" aiming to turn everyone's life uncomplicated. And then, it has been ten years since the launch of the smart phone, and in these 10 years, the world has observed a revolutionary change in the era of smart phones. One of the most drastic changes was witnessed in the batteries of these smart phones, ranging from 1000mAh to 5000mAh on an average. In the past couple of years, intense usage of smart phones for various purposes has resulted in battery draining at a rapid rate. Many types of research have been done in order to find the exact reason for the battery drain at a rapid rate and its solutions, although none of them were able to accomplish anything special, and hence, rather than to find a solution to battery's long life, a different solution was established, and it was to construct phones, which can be operated without batteries. This research paper focuses on the implementations of "Battery Less Smart phones", and on its pros and cons. It will also state some of the economic and possible changes that can be made as per our research.
Invention, Advantages, Disadvantages, Incentives, Economy Factor, Astonishing Technology, Computer Science, Battery drain.
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