A Recent Survey and Problem on Facial Expression Recognition using Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
© 2018 by SSRG - IJECE Journal
Volume 5 Issue 7
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Dr.K Senthamil Selvan, K.Pandikumar and Dr.B Sowmya
How to Cite?

Dr.K Senthamil Selvan, K.Pandikumar and Dr.B Sowmya, "A Recent Survey and Problem on Facial Expression Recognition using Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 5,  no. 7, pp. 7-12, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488549/IJECE-V5I7P102


Emotions play an important role in viewer’s content selection and consumption. When a user watches video clips or listens to music experience certain feelings and emotions which manifest through bodily and physiological cues, pupil dilation and contraction, facial expressions, frowning, and changes in vocal features, laughter. In order to translate a user’s bodily and behavioral reactions to emotions and emotion assessment techniques are required. Emotion assessment is a task even users are not always able to express their emotion with words all the time and the self-reporting emotions have a high probability of false emotions.In this research the emotion of the users are used to characterize the image and to arrange them accordingly. The emotion of the user is recognized with the captured image and the features extracted from them.The features extracted from the image will be quantified and will be used as training set for the pattern recognizing neural network.The trained neural network in future will classify the images according to the emotions expressed by the person. Facial expressions are recognised by the humans, virtually without effort or delay. But automatic expression recognition is still a challenge. There are challenges in capturing and preprocessing the image, in feature extraction or selection, and classification. Attaining successful recognition automatically is very difficult. The objective of this research is to overcome these difficulties and obtain a successful recognition. This paper gives a review on the mechanisms of human facial behavior recognition using pattern analysis and machine intelligence, which includes a brief detail on framework, literaturesurvey, problems ,applications and comparative survey in facial behavior recognition using pattern analysis and machine intelligence.



Face detection, Featureextraction, classification, Pattern analysis and machine intelligence, emotion recognition,human-computer interaction


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