Capacity Dimensioning and Network Planning of UMTS Network for Hawassa City

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Yonatan Tekle, Ayele Shumetie, Haylemaryam Gashaw |
How to Cite?
Yonatan Tekle, Ayele Shumetie, Haylemaryam Gashaw, "Capacity Dimensioning and Network Planning of UMTS Network for Hawassa City," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 15-19, 2019. Crossref,
There has been a demand for growth in wireless communication technology over the past decade. With an increase in subscribers and traffic, new bandwidth-consuming applications will place new demands on capacity. The answer to the capacity demand is the provision of a new spectrum, and the development of a technology UMTS is preferred among the others in Ethiopia.
In this paper, a dimensioning of HSDPA network capacity is carried out for Hawassa city. The propagation modeling for capacity dimensioning was done after the link budget calculation and cell ranges calculations considering real environmental factors. Among various propagation models, the Okumura-Hata model has better signal strength than Cost Hatta and Others. Simulation is carried out using Atoll, and Based on these results, the optimized number of sites in an urban and suburban network of Hawassa is proposed.
UMTS, HSDPA, Okumura-Hata model.
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