Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks using an Efficient Cryptographic Technique to Protect Against Intrusion

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : S. Suma Christal Mary, S. Jothi Shri, E. Thenmozhi, K. Murugeswari |
How to Cite?
S. Suma Christal Mary, S. Jothi Shri, E. Thenmozhi, K. Murugeswari, "Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks using an Efficient Cryptographic Technique to Protect Against Intrusion," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 41-50, 2023. Crossref,
The ubiquitous nature of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) means that their underlying network architecture may be used to serve a broad range of use cases, from "smart cities" to "smart homes" and beyond. Other serious problems, such as energy use and security, have persisted. When it comes to WSN security, the blockchain might be the answer. Traditional blockchains have limitations, such as inefficient transaction processing and limited scalability. When Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are deployed, most of the time, the nodes are left unmanaged and vulnerable to various security threats. Reliable data distribution in WSNs is nontrivial because of the limited resources and dynamic behavior of sensor nodes. Traditional cryptography and authentication-based methods have been shown to be unsuitable for countering node misbehavior attacks due to their high cost and incapability. The lightweight authentication encryption system was developed to solve the problems of sensor resource scarcity and data security (data integrity and secrecy). Current trust-based solutions, on the other hand, increase traffic congestion and decrease the network's lifespan due to the high costs associated with trust estimates and network-wide dissemination. As a result, the objective of this study is to present an intrusion prevention architecture for mobile Internet of Things devices, along with its integration into WSN, to ensure data security while simultaneously improving the network delivery ratio. The architecture that has been suggested is made up of two different discrete components. To begin, the ambiguity principle is used to construct non-overlapping and independently structured clusters, which are then used to preserve the clusters' stability. Second, based on the architecture of the blockchain, encrypted multi-hop routing pathways with end-to-end coverage are being established. By reducing end-to-end latency, time consumption, packet loss rate, and energy usage while increasing throughput, our recommended model's simulation results reveal good results and security gains.
Data security, WSN, Encryption, Cluster, Intrusion prevention.
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