Visual Place Recognition Model using Deep Learning with Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : S. Senthamizhselvi, A. Saravanan |
How to Cite?
S. Senthamizhselvi, A. Saravanan, "Visual Place Recognition Model using Deep Learning with Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 74-86, 2023. Crossref,
Visual Place Recognition (VPR) has engrossed the interest of many researchers in several domains like robotics and Computer Vision (CV). It is the process of identifying a location visited previously, depending on visual input like videos or images. DL techniques have witnessed a potential to solve this task. One method for VPR utilizing deep learning is Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to extract features in visual input. The CNN is trained on a large dataset of videos or images, with each video or image corresponding to a diverse location. The CNN extract discriminative features for each location, allowing it to detect previously visited locations depending on their visual appearance. Therefore, this study presents an Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm with Deep Learning-Driven Robust Visual Place Recognition (AOADL-VPR) technique. The AOADL-VPR technique's purpose is to recognise the visual places using the DL model properly. In the AOADL-VPR technique, Gaussian Filtering (GF) based pre-processing is performed to remove the noise. Meanwhile, the MobileNet-v2 model is utilized for generating a feature vector set. Furthermore, the AOA is exploited to adjust the hyperparameter values of the MobileNet-v2 model. At last, Minkowski Distance is exploited for effectual similarity measurement between two images, thereby recognising the places. A series of experimental analyses can be performed to ensure the improved performance of the AOADL-VPR approach. The simulation outcomes portrayed the enhancements of the AOADL-VPR system on the place recognition process.
Visual place recognition, Deep learning, Arithmetic optimization algorithm, MobileNetv2, Similarity measurement.
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