Dynamic Weight Allocation for Improved Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Age Estimation System: DMT-MFFCNN Approach

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : M. Rajababu, K. Srinivas, H. Ravisankar |
How to Cite?
M. Rajababu, K. Srinivas, H. Ravisankar, "Dynamic Weight Allocation for Improved Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Age Estimation System: DMT-MFFCNN Approach," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 97-107, 2023. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488549/IJECE-V10I7P110
The investigation of Age Invariant Face Recognition (AIFR) and Age Estimation has received more attention in real-time applications. However, it is an exciting and challenging task due to the rapidly growing rate of image uploads on the internet in today's data-driven world. Multitask Learning (MTL) has shown great potential across various applications, outperforming single-task learning, mainly when applied in deep multitask networks. One of the most critical issues in MTL is determining the weight of each task. We propose a Dynamic Multitask and Multi-Feature Fusion CNN (DMT-MFFCNN) framework that can jointly perform face recognition and age estimation tasks by adopting the weights of the tasks dynamically based on the difficulty in training them. This approach avoids the exhausting and time-consuming process of manually tuning the weights. In particular, the proposed method can successfully enhance the multitask learning model's performance and can be quickly applied without hyperparameter tuning. We evaluated our model on the FGNET, CACD, and UTK Face datasets and a Live dataset AS-23 containing face images of different ages. In the proposed system, the dataset's images are first converted to grey level and Local Binary Pattern (LBP)images. Next, a Merged dataset is created by combining the features by fusion of original, grey level and LBP datasets. The experimentation is carried out with VGG-16, DenseNet-201 and ResNet-50 individual CNN models and the VDeRe-23 feature fusion CNN model. The final step is cross-validating the Merged dataset against a new unseen dataset. Among all the comparisons on Merged Dataset, the VGG-16 model achieved the best face recognition accuracy of 94.06%, and for age estimation with the same model, obtained an MAE value of 1.7 years. Additionally, with the feature fusion model (VDeRe-23), face recognition and age estimation tasks achieved an accuracy of 99.47% and an MAE of 1.67 years, respectively. The results of the extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed DMT-MFFCNN yields superior performance than state-of-the-art methods for both face recognition and age estimation tasks using single-task learning.
Age estimation, Age Invariant Face Recognition, Convolutional Neural Networks, Cross-dataset training, Merged datasets, Multitask Learning.
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