An Intelligent Model for Improved Breast Cancer Prognosis

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : C. O. Iloghalu, U. F. Eze, A. M. John-Otumu, O. C. Nwokonkwo, E. O. Oshoiribhor, J. C. Onyeakazi, A. P. Aliga, S. A. Okolie, E. C. Nwokorie, L. C. Nnadi |
How to Cite?
C. O. Iloghalu, U. F. Eze, A. M. John-Otumu, O. C. Nwokonkwo, E. O. Oshoiribhor, J. C. Onyeakazi, A. P. Aliga, S. A. Okolie, E. C. Nwokorie, L. C. Nnadi, "An Intelligent Model for Improved Breast Cancer Prognosis," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 36-47, 2023. Crossref,
This research suggests developing a deep learning model using customized CNN to categorize and predict breast cancer in a timely period. The model utilizes a large dataset of breast cancer images obtained from Kaggle, an online research repository. Pre-processing techniques were applied to the images to eliminate noise, such as shadows on the images, and resize the images to lessen the high computation cost. The dataset was separated into training set 80% (48, 852) and test set 20% (16, 284). CNN was employed to mine meaningful features from the images and to classify them based on predefined criteria, assessing the presence and severity of breast cancer. Additionally, the model could provide treatment recommendations depending on the patient's health account and other pertinent aspects. The model's performance was evaluated using a confusion matrix, revealing a 95% accuracy rate, 100% recall value, 90% precision value, and 95% F1 score. The classifier's AUC value was 88%, indicating high reliability for breast cancer prognosis. The proposed methodology may significantly increase diagnostic speed and accuracy, resulting in earlier detection and better patient outcomes.
Breast cancer, Classification, CNN, Deep learning, Prognosis.
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