Recent Progress and Challenges of Algorithms for Reducing Power Losses and Optimal Reconfiguration of Voltage Profiles for Distribution Networks

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Luc Vivien Assiene Mouodo, AbdeL - Hamid Mahamat Ali, Olivier Thierry SOSSO MAYI, Jean Gaston TAMBA, Petros Axaopoulos |
How to Cite?
Luc Vivien Assiene Mouodo, AbdeL - Hamid Mahamat Ali, Olivier Thierry SOSSO MAYI, Jean Gaston TAMBA, Petros Axaopoulos, "Recent Progress and Challenges of Algorithms for Reducing Power Losses and Optimal Reconfiguration of Voltage Profiles for Distribution Networks," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 176-194, 2024. Crossref,
This article presents the most recent algorithms for reducing power losses with optimal reconfiguration of voltage profiles with the aim of improving the management of increasingly complex distribution networks which now integrate decentralized production in renewable energies. A classification and comparison of the performances of its algorithms constitute the first part of this article, with an in-depth description each time of the objective functions and mathematical optimization constraints for each scenario, which will make it possible to make recommendations for use, according to the operating scenarios of the distribution networks. In the second part the biclustering algorithm is proposed as a novelty by thus making it possible to group the data of the nodes by groups or clusters for defined levels of constraints and tested it directly to an IEEE-68 distribution network node. A comparison of the results obtained is carried out with recent literature, in addition, a statistical validation is also proposed with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The biclustering algorithm offers satisfactory results with a reduction in power losses of 27.79KW. This work is positioned as a contribution to the race for optimal management of distribution networks with the integration of renewable energies and all their logistical and technological complexities.
Biclustering algorithm, Distribution network, Reconfiguration, Power losses, Voltage profile.
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