Modified Convolutional Block Attention Mechanism-Based VGG16 for Apple Plant Leaf Disease Classification

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Pooja Chandrakantbhai Gajjar, Hetal Nirmit Dalal, Hina Kalpesh Patel, Nisha Kantilal Prajapati |
How to Cite?
Pooja Chandrakantbhai Gajjar, Hetal Nirmit Dalal, Hina Kalpesh Patel, Nisha Kantilal Prajapati, "Modified Convolutional Block Attention Mechanism-Based VGG16 for Apple Plant Leaf Disease Classification," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 62-71, 2024. Crossref,
Agriculture plays a significant role in a country's development like India, where most of the population’s livelihood is based on agriculture. The production of apples plays a vital role in the agricultural sector by contributing to the economy through domestic consumption and export. However, different diseases exhibit similar visual symptoms on apple leaves, such as spots or discolorations, leading to misclassification. This research proposes the Modified Convolutional Block Attention Mechanism-VGG16 (MCBAM-VGG16) to classify apple plant leaf disease accurately. Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer and CBAM are added after the first convolutional layer which minimizes the number of parameters and helps to avoid underfitting issues during training. Initially, images are obtained from the plant village dataset to evaluate the proposed approach. Then, data augmentation is used to transform images, which helps MCBAM-VGG16 attain better tolerance and generalization ability. Then, W-Net is employed to segment images that capture both global context and fine-grained information within the leaf images. At last, MCBAM-VGG16 classifies apple plant leaf disease accurately. When compared to the existing techniques like Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with three convolutional layers (Conv-3 DCNN), the improved DCNN and Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC), MCBAM-VGG16 achieves a superior accuracy of 0.998.
Agriculture, Apple plant leaf disease, Data augmentation, Modified convolutional block attention mechanism-VGG16, W-Net.
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