Estimation of Loss Probability and Path Loss for 5G Millimeter-Wave Communication using 5G NR Path Loss Model

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Abhishek Madankar, Atish Khobragade, Minal Patil, Shital Telrande |
How to Cite?
Abhishek Madankar, Atish Khobragade, Minal Patil, Shital Telrande, "Estimation of Loss Probability and Path Loss for 5G Millimeter-Wave Communication using 5G NR Path Loss Model," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 35-42, 2024. Crossref,
The performance characteristics of the 5G wireless communication system, which is recently undergoing more extensive development in the mmWave frequency range, are summarized in the research. The earliest research results with fundamental concepts of networks in networks are presented here, together with an account of the international efforts undertaken to mimic the channels for applications that are licensed and those that are not. Path Loss and LOS probability for several standards bodies, including (LOS), which represents line-of-sight, and NLOS, which represents non-line-of-sight probabilities, have been compared for a 28 GHz frequency range. For the 3GPP model Umi LOS Scenario, the path loss obtained is 105 dB and 70 dB for 200m with ABG and 5G NR model. The path losses obtained for the 3GPP Umi NLOS Scenario are 138 dB and 120 dB for 200m with ABG and 5G NR model. So, path loss for both scenarios is better with the 5GNR model. The loss probability obtained for the 3GPP Umi LOS Scenario is 0.093622 and 0.093518 for 200m with ABG and 5G NR model. For the 3GPP Umi NLOS Scenario, the improvability in loss probability obtained is 0.133333 and 0.128048 for 200m with the ABG and 5G NR models. So, the loss probability for both scenarios is enhanced with the 5GNR model.
LOS probability, Reference channel models, Millimeter wave, Delay, 5GNR, 3GPP, (5G)fifth generation Path loss.
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