Antenna Array Design and its Integration with Beamforming Network

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Abdisalan Abdulkadir Mohamed, Nuradin Mohamed Abdikadir, Abdirahman Abdikarim Ali, Mohamed Mohamud Ahmed |
How to Cite?
Abdisalan Abdulkadir Mohamed, Nuradin Mohamed Abdikadir, Abdirahman Abdikarim Ali, Mohamed Mohamud Ahmed, "Antenna Array Design and its Integration with Beamforming Network," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 102-108, 2024. Crossref,
This paper describes the design of an antenna array and its integration with a beamforming network that operates at 2.6 GHz and uses circular microstrip patch antennas and their arrays over a frequency range of 2–3 GHz. This design is implemented on a substrate (RT5880) with a dielectric constant (ε = 2.2), loss tangent (tanδ = 0.0009), and thickness (h = 0.0813 cm). The microstrip antenna's dimensions were calculated and subsequently determined through simulations. The Antenna Feeding Network with Beamforming exceeds Single and Array Antennas, providing superior directional radiation. With an amazing 9.02 dBi gain, 32.6 dBi front-to-back ratio, and 67% Total radiation efficiency at 2.6 GHz. A comparison and observation are made between the effectiveness of the designs and the suggested techniques. CST Microwave Studio is a full wave electromagnetic simulation software program for design and analysis.
Circular patch, Microstrip antenna, Gain, S-parameters, Antenna array, Beamforming network.
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