An Optimal Design of Fractional Order Butterworth Filter With Optimized Magnitude and Phase Response

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Sanjay Ambadas Patil, Uday Pandit Khot |
How to Cite?
Sanjay Ambadas Patil, Uday Pandit Khot, "An Optimal Design of Fractional Order Butterworth Filter With Optimized Magnitude and Phase Response," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 161-175, 2024. Crossref,
Frequency responses are frequently referred to in the stability analysis of fractional order control systems. Frequency response-based methods have been introduced in the literature to reduce complex fractional order systems. However, the magnitude and phase response improvement is not handled by these techniques. The optimization methods are utilized to improve the approximation of fractional order filters in the desired frequency range. The article discusses the ideal Fractional-Order Butterworth Filter (FOBF) configuration by utilizing integer-order rational approximations to achieve a precise magnitude and phase response. Additionally, this study utilizes optimal FOBF magnitude and phase characteristics to minimize errors and expands the approximation bandwidth to cover multiple decades in both pass and stop bands. Optimized fractional order Butterworth filter designs have been implemented in biomedical signal processing, audio engineering, telecommunications, and control systems, enhancing performance in noise reduction and signal fidelity across these applications. It is essential to precisely determine these transfer functions regarding frequency and time responses. Therefore, there is room for further enhancements in these approximation methods to reduce errors and enhance the accuracy of real-world implementations. In pursuit of this goal, the study introduced a powerful metaheuristic optimization technique called Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization (ECBO), which not only showcases better precision in modelling but also exhibits a higher level of stability when compared to existing methods. This process guides all entities towards an optimal solution in each successive round, boosting the likelihood of finding a superior solution and thoroughly examining the full range of potential solutions. This technique better fits the BF filter function to a fractional-order continuous filter. The digital integrator is optimized in the frequency domain using the Coyote Optimization Algorithm (COA) because of its effectiveness, ease of use, and strength in tackling various complex optimization challenges. This optimizes the magnitude and phase reaction of the low-pass BF filter depending on the Minimum Square Error (MSE). Expanding the scope of the ECBO’s search range allows the enhanced filter to closely replicate the frequency behaviour of fractional order continuous filter functions.
Fractional Order Butterworth Filter, Magnitude Response, Phase Response, Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization, Fractional-Order Continuous Filter, and Coyote Optimization.
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