Selection Technique for Sending SMS Message based On Signal Strength for Blind Stick Navigation

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Mohammedelmogtaba Elhadi, Dahlila Putri Dahnil |
How to Cite?
Mohammedelmogtaba Elhadi, Dahlila Putri Dahnil, "Selection Technique for Sending SMS Message based On Signal Strength for Blind Stick Navigation," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 239-246, 2024. Crossref,
Blind sticks are essential for assisting the visually impaired in navigating their surroundings but lack integrated emergency communication capabilities. Blind individuals typically rely on others for immediate help during emergencies, and contacting guardians becomes especially difficult when they do not have their phones. Current solutions do not address this critical need, leaving a gap in accessible emergency response technology for people who are blind. Thus, this project intends to design a blind stick integrated with an emergency response button. By integrating GPS and GSM (SIM808) technology, the proposed device will allow users to directly connect with their guardians in emergencies, enhancing mobility and safety. Once the emergency button is pressed, an SOS message with the blind location is sent to alert the guardians so they can decide to respond to the situation. It is important to ensure that the SOS message is received by the guardian within the least possible time so that they receive help as soon as possible. This study assesses the time various service providers take to respond, measuring the duration from the activation of the blind stick to the moment the alert reaches the guardians or caretakers of the blind. A selection algorithm is designed to choose between two service providers automatically depending on the signal strength. The experiment results show that for weak signal strength of -107dbm, the time the message is received is within 2.5 minutes after the message is sent. The message was not sent in a worst-case scenario where the signal strength is below the marginal value. The experiment results also show that the selection algorithm improved the delivery of SOS messages by selecting the service provider with higher signal strength.
Blind stick, Efficient Location-Aware, Emergency Button for Blind Stick, Blind stick with obstacle detection, selection algorithm.
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