Design of an Effective Refrigeration System with Predictive Maintenance by Integrating IoT and Machine Learning

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Abhijit L Dandavate, Arati D.K., Manisha Mehrotra, Vishvas V Kalunge, Archana Priyadarshni, Supriya Agre
How to Cite?

Abhijit L Dandavate, Arati D.K., Manisha Mehrotra, Vishvas V Kalunge, Archana Priyadarshni, Supriya Agre, "Design of an Effective Refrigeration System with Predictive Maintenance by Integrating IoT and Machine Learning," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 12, pp. 135-145, 2024. Crossref,


As the refrigeration industry grows quickly, essential components such as the compressor —the heart of the system— are highly challenging to maintain. Reactive maintenance, the conventional approach, often results in expensive downtime and surprise repairs. This study examined the potential to improve asset management in refrigeration systems leveraging IoT-supported predictive maintenance. Using IoT sensors and data analytics, the system monitors parameters, including energy consumption, pressure, and temperature, to identify early signs of malfunction. Maintenance can be addressed early, and systems can be maintained without downtime. The sustainability impact itself is also a core area within this discussion, leading into a deeper debate around particular metrics and methodologies - including metrics such as energy consumption, reduction in the carbon footprint of production and operational processes, as well as cost savings - that can be used to gauge and quantify the aforementioned benefits. This has many advantages, such as better energy efficacy, reduced maintenance cost, system reliability, etc. In future work, more sophisticated machine learning models will be incorporated to enhance predictive capability further, leading to increased efficiency and sustainability of refrigeration systems.


Predictive maintenance, Internet of Things (IoT), Refrigeration systems, Machine Learning, Asset management.


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