Design of Effective Seeker Optimized Quantum Lightweight Cryptography Using Hybrid Redundant Quantum Key Distribution

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJECE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : K.U.V. Padma, E. Neelima
How to Cite?

K.U.V. Padma, E. Neelima, "Design of Effective Seeker Optimized Quantum Lightweight Cryptography Using Hybrid Redundant Quantum Key Distribution," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 12, pp. 171-188, 2024. Crossref,


Ultra Lightweight Cryptography (ULWC) is a critical field of research with a primary focus on developing cryptographic algorithms tailored for resource-constrained devices and applications. The challenge in such environments is to ensure robust security and efficient performance, as conventional security protocols often fail to meet these dual objectives. To address these issues, this work explores a hybrid approach, specifically Optimized Quantum Lightweight Cryptography (OQLC), which guarantees secure data transmission and protection in resource-constrained settings. The heart of OQLC lies in the fusion of the ULWC-based Efficient Randomized-Grain (ERG)-128 algorithm and the Redundant Quantum Key Distribution (RQKD-QC) framework. An Effective Seeker Optimization (ESO) technique is employed to maximise the performance of these two algorithms. ESO harnesses the inherent parallelism and adaptability of natural seekers to optimize various parameters of the OQLC algorithm, including key scheduling, round functions, and other cryptographic primitives. Integrating ESO with the hybrid ERG-128 and RQKD-QC algorithm enhances the overall performance and efficiency of the cryptographic system. This equilibrium balances lightweight implementation, post-quantum security, and improved performance, thereby addressing the unique demands of resource-constrained environments. In a comparative analysis of encryption and decryption times, the proposed OQLC method demonstrates impressive efficiency. It accomplishes encryption in a mere 0.00101 seconds, while decryption is achieved in a mere 0.00023 seconds.


Effective seeker optimization, Quantum cryptography, Redundant quantum key distribution, Ultra lightweight cryptography, Optimized quantum lightweight cryptography.


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