Towards Reliable Wireless Communication in High Speed Trains Using Massive MIMO

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
© 2025 by SSRG - IJECE Journal
Volume 12 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Maharshi Bhatt, Komal Borisagar
How to Cite?

Maharshi Bhatt, Komal Borisagar, "Towards Reliable Wireless Communication in High Speed Trains Using Massive MIMO," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 12,  no. 2, pp. 54-64, 2025. Crossref,


Nowadays, High-Speed Train is efficiently used as the fastest mode of ground transportation. To provide Seamless high-speed wireless broadband connectivity onboard the train is a huge challenge. Major challenges in high-speed rail scenarios are Intercarrier Interference, Channel estimation errors, Doppler spread, Carrier frequency offset and Inter beam interference. Massive MIMO has been proven to be an emerging technique for high data rate communication in high mobility scenarios due to higher throughput, higher spectra, and higher energy efficiency. In this paper, various wireless channel parameters like achievable rate in bits/S/Hz for MF and MMSE receivers, Doppler spread in beamforming antenna systems, radiation beam patterns and Constellation diagrams for various modulation methods are derived. RMS value of Error Vector Magnitude (% EVM) is also derived for all users for various cases. The new advanced system with kalman filtering is proposed, and Bit Error Rate vs SNR is obtained for QPSK modulation schemes and different numbers of Tx antennas for High Speed Train. From overall simulation results, it is observed that by increasing more number of antennas in the Massive MIMO system, a high-performance wireless communication system for high-speed trains can be designed.


Massive MIMO, High speed train, Signal to noise ratio, Doppler Frequency Offset, Bit error rate, Spectral efficiency, Radiation beam, Inter beam interference, Ergodic achievable rate, Error vector magnitude, Beamforming.


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