Monopole Reconfigurable Antennas for MIMO Systems

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJECE Journal |
Volume 2 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : P.M. Tamboli and Dr. Yadav D.M |
How to Cite?
P.M. Tamboli and Dr. Yadav D.M, "Monopole Reconfigurable Antennas for MIMO Systems," SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 21-23, 2015. Crossref,
Now various antennas are used in the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication system which improves capacity and adds diversity. Microwave is at the core of the wireless communication system, which uses different types of antennas. In recent years, the limitations of broadcast antenna technology on the quality, capacity, and coverage of wireless systems have prompted an evolution in the fundamental design and role of the antenna in a wireless communication system. There are many types of antennas depending upon the performance, shapes, sizes, volumes and costs. The antennas can be divided in many ways as monopole , dipole , microstrip etc . In this we are going to demonstrate performance benefit given by pattern reconfiguration using monopole antenna. These antennas have ability to dynamically reconfigure their radiation pattern and this feature is not available in static or fixed antennas. This antenna contains one feed element and six passive elements. The arbitrary direction of this antenna can be selected by changing the input voltage to the different passive elements. These antennas can be designed using two steps: first step is performance measured using simulation and second is design and evaluating the Monopole antenna. For simulation we are going to use Ansoft HFSS software. The performance can tested using the VNA. In this we demonstrate the performance benefit of monopole reconfigurable antenna by radiation pattern, VSWR and Return loss at a fixed frequency. This antenna gives better performance as -10dB RL with 2.01 VSWR at 2.33GHz frequency. Due to use of monopole elements the design becomes simple and cheaper.
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), Voltage Standing wave Ratio (VSWR)
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