SSRG - IJEEE - Volume 4 Issue 6 - June 2017 S.No Title/Author Name Paper ID 1 BER and SNR Comparisons for 8, 16 and 64 QAM Modulation Schemes through Rain Affected air Interface Channel - Akingbade Kayodde, F, AloOpeyemi, O IJEEE-V4I6P102 2 Weather Monitering System - MandakiniK.Jadhwar, Prof.P.R.Thorat IJEEE-V4I6P103 3 Hybrid Electric Bicycle a new transportation for future Smart Grid - Samadhan .S. Avhad, Tushar.P.Tidke, Nayan .S. Sathe IJEEE-V4I6P104 4 Comparative Study of THD Spectrum on Switched Capacitor Inverter - Bhagyalakshmi P S, Beena M Varghese, Dr. Bos Mathew Jos IJEEE-V4I6P107 5 Use of D-Statcom Compensators for Alleviation of Energy Quality Unsettling Influences in Low Voltage Matrix with Appropriated Era - GanjiVivekananda, Dr K. Chandra Sekhar, M.Surender Reddy IJEEE-V4I6P108 6 A Comparative Analysis of Advanced Distribution System and Existing Distribution - Richa Sharma, Anuprita Mishra IJEEE-V4I6P109 7 Modeling and control the grid-connected single-phase photovoltaic system - KhacLai Lai, DanhHoang Dang, XuanMinh Tran IJEEE-V4I6P110 IJEEE MENUS IJEEE Aim & Scope Editorial Board Paper Submission Current Issue IJEEE Archives Publication Ethics Authors Guidelines Editors Guidelines Reviewer Guidelines Indexing APC Mode of Payment Paper Template Copyright Form